Thanks for tuning back in for an update on my blog. Things have been a little hectic here as of late for me… I just appreciate your patronage. I’m also very excited about making my 500th posting soon!
I’ve got nothing pressing that I can write about… I’m a little sad about the passing of Porter Wagoner. I knew that he wasn’t in the greatest of health, but I sure as hell didn’t expect him to be 80 years old. That was a surprise.

Growing up, my father was constantly watching things like Hee Haw and The Porter Wagoner Show. And as a youngster, I did the natural thing by revolting against whatever my parents were into. The only reason I kept my eyes on Hee Haw was the “Hee Haw Honeys”. I didn’t care who the country music artist was as long as Lisa Todd or Misty Rowe were lounging around in the background. I was young and stupid, but I wasn’t COMPLETELY stupid.
So for the longest time, I hated country music. I deemed it unacceptable. Country music offered nothing but songs about getting a girl… Getting left by a girl… Drinking because of a girl… Cheating girls… Cheating with girls… Getting, cheating, and drinking with girls. It seemed that all the country songs were about nothing but the heartaches associated with girls.
My age and limited knowledge (at the time) of music didn’t clue me in to the fact that “girls” were pretty much a universal subject in all musical styles. I just thought that country artists liked being miserable, drunk, and alone. Because that’s what they sung about.
So when I started working at Peaches Music & Video, I started opening up my mind to country music. It all started with Dwight Yoakam and snowballed from there. I didn’t care for Randy Travis… But “Honky Tonk” music really appealed to me. With the help of customers (The True Brothers) and fellow employees (like Brad K), I started to discover the greatness of Buck Owens, Johnny Cash, and Gram Parsons / The Flying Burrito Brothers.
Once, I saw a Porter Wagoner album at my Aunt Betty’s house. I told her that I liked Porter Wagoner (I could only remember the song “The Carroll County Accident”) and she let me take it home with me. I devoured that joker from start to finish.
For some reason, I liked Porter Wagoner when I was growing up. I liked the flashy clothes (also know as “nudie suits” for some stupid reason) and a lot of his songs weren’t about girls. A lot of his tunes told stories.
From time to time, I will pass by the RFD Television Network on my DirecTV where I’ll find The Porter Wagoner Show airing there. I’ll stop and take in a few cornball jokes and maybe a song from Porter or someone else that has long been forgotten over time. It’s almost as good as watching “Big Polka” and his polka show.
Well… Thanks for tuning in to this here blog of mine. I will try to make a more acceptable posting soon. Perhaps something that’s entertaining, enlightening, and not about a girl.
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