This week, I’ve been busier than a fly at a hog farm. I haven’t really had the time to devote to this little blog of mine. But the good news… This blog may be a featured item on Rock 92’s, years in the process, new and improved website.
Right now… You can go to the website, click on the contact us page, and search for the link at the bottom of that page. It’s more or less an afterthought on the Rock 92 website.
If you frequent my blog on a regular basis through the website… Thank you! Your traffic is making it possible. You have my gratitude.
I’m a little excited about tonight’s episode of Rescue Me. Not because it’s a great show…. It’s because this marks the first time that I’ll watch it as it airs. Is that a crazy reason to be excited?
Don’t judge me too harshly.
I am loving Rescue Me! It’s possibly the greatest “firemen” show ever. It’s sure as hell better than Emergency!. That show is like the Teletubbies compared to Rescue Me.
One of the things I love about it… Just about everyone on the show is dysfunctional in some sweet way. And when you think the characters can’t sink any lower… The writers come up with something juicy.
There’s a character named Maggie… She’s a raging alcoholic and bitchy as hell. For some strange reason, I have a thing for women on the dark side of bitchy. So she appealed to me right out of the gate. And I remember looking and looking at her. Who is this actress playing Maggie?
When I finally let the credits roll… It’s DVD… I hit the menu button and order another episode usually… But I had to find out who this actress was. Guess who?
Tatum O’Neal

Yes! Cute little Tatum O’Neal has grown up to appear on a wonderful series drinking and whoring. I totally love the twist! What a way to shed an image. I’m sure her daddy is proud.

If you haven’t seen Rescue Me and the idea of watching F’ed up people doing F’ed up things appeals to you… Give it a try! So far on my Netflix, I’ve rated every season with 5 stars.
Well, that does it for me sports fans. I’m out. With all that’s going on with the Summertime Brewsfest… I’m a little tired.
I'm only at the end of the first season... but I'm optimistic, as I'm DVR'ing all of the Rescue Me episodes of this season, except that I don't know when the season started. Hmmmmmmmmmm...