I prepared things fantastically for the Vince Neil / Quiet Riot / Slaughter show last night at the Greensboro Coliseum.
Top of the list of prepared things… My friend Kim’s arrival.
No offense meant towards Kim… She runs late. That’s just her and I accept it. And last night, I planned for her little quirk… I had told her to meet me an hour before I really needed.
During the afternoon, she called me to ask… “Are you sure you wanna meet at 5? That’s like 4 or 5 hours before it starts!”
You can easily see the roots of her little quirk… The show starts at 7:30. Not 9 or 10.
I also explained that it would be cool to sit and have a few drinks at the Lone Star bar before the show. Beer would flow down my gullet, Ginger Ale with cranberry juice down her throat, and there would be much conversation. Mostly about music and our fiasco filled love lives.
At about 5:20... I sent Kim a text message informing her that she was only 20 minutes late. She eventually arrived at 5:50 and according to the sands in the Kim’s Quirk Hourglass… There were 25 minutes left. Enough time for Kim to have a drink and check out Doug’s (the guy I met sitting next to me at the bar) talon-like corn chip toenails.
Doug is the perfect argument against men wearing flip-flops in public.
We left at 6:15 for the Greensboro Coliseum. I wanted to get there early so that I could meet friends and family in the Carlisle Club for drinks. We were greeted by my sister Tina, her husband Richard, and my brother in-law Kevin who were already parked at the bar. Later we were joined by Bradford “Hinzy” Hines and Karla .
We heard the sounds of Slaughter starting up and Kim hit the arena to take them in. Tina, Richard, and Kevin had left a few minutes before hand… But Hinzy, Karla, and I stayed in the Carlisle Club just to keep bending our elbows.
Hinzy and I can continue saying that we have never seen Slaughter perform live with an added wrinkle… We were once in the same building where we could’ve seen them perform.
If that’s not pretentiousness, then I don’t know what is. Just a little something to add on to this Rock Critic’s resume’.
Kim came back into the Club right after Slaughter finished up their short set with “Up All Night”. I finished up my Guilford Golden and ordered another before Kim and I headed to our seats. That’s where we found Rock 92 / 1075KZL salesperson, Matt Sides .
Quiet Riot hit the stage with the first strains of “Metal Health” before going into one of their other songs… It was a nice tease. But I couldn’t help noticing that Kevin DuBrow… QR lead singer with a balding head… Had a full head of lovely blonde hair!
He claims that he has never worn any wigs… But after seeing him last night strutting around in what appeared to be a wig from the Rod Stewart ‘Blondes Have More Fun’ collection… I’d say that was a wig.

Here’s a few shots taken with my camera phone: One of Quiet Riot on stage…
I’m sure you can’t make anything out… And here’s one of the sparsely populated Greensboro Coliseum right after Quiet Riot ended their set…
The BIG surprise of the night!
I found out that Frankie Banali is still alive!
For some reason, I thought he had died from a brain tumor or something like that. Lets just say that for me… It was like Frankie Banali had risen from the grave… It was like I had seen a ghost! I leaned over to Kim and shouted in her ear, “I thought that joker was DEAD?!”
After their set, we strolled back into the bar again. Hinzy and Karla were there… I brought up the “Frankie has risen” bit. I seriously thought he had been dead for many years. Oh well… I hit the bathroom.
And here’s the night’s weirdness…
I walked in and I could tell the stall was occupied. No matter… The urinal had no line and was ready for walk-up action. So while I’m standing there lessening my bladder… I can see shadows moving around on the floor and the wall. I could also hear the slapping meat sound of arms being drawn to the guy’s side. I mean… WTF???
It was like the guy was doing some Olympic style of urination in that stall… Because I’m not sure, but I think he did a back flip too! I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a pummel horse in there with him.
When I got back to the bar… I informed Kim, Hinzy, and Karla about what just happened in the bathroom. And I had to see what that guy looked like!
Here’s a picture of him sitting across the Club’s bar… He’s in the white shirt…
We all took off to meet Quiet Riot after a few more rounds were ordered. The band was meeting fans in the concourse area after their set and Kim is all about some photo-ops with rockers. Me? I didn’t care one way or the other… Except I did want to get a closer look at Frankie Banali. I wanted to see how well the Zombification looked on him. Because I was sure he was dead! Could it be that he was undead?
Kim got a phone call concerning her ill father… And since I had driven… I had no choice but to take her back to her car. So I missed Vince Neil’s set.
It was no big deal… I had seen his solo act before and wasn’t impressed. There was no need to see it again. And I called it a night.
Whew! That was a long update, wasn’t it?
That should make up for my lack of updating over the past week. If not, contact the Blogger’s Union.
The first thing out of my mouth when QuiotRiot took the stage was "when did Rod Stewart start singing with them". I guess great minds do think alike. Also from what we seen you didn't miss anything by missing Vince Neil. It was fun though. It got me out of the house for a few hours and I'm sure you know I needed that. Thanks again