I didn’t find anything to do with NASCAR, instead… I found another program that pulled me in and caused me to watch for about 45 minutes until I had to get ready for Preston and Richard’s birthday get together.
The program was called American Thunder. A beautiful blonde that possesses two great talents hosts the show. You can easily see those talents because they’re on both sides of her cleavage. She wears low cut T-shirts and tank tops. Now don’t get me wrong, I dig boobs as much as the next guy, but I’m not all that fond of boobs for the sake of boobs in order to get viewers. The beginning of the second episode that morning had the hostess in a black low-cut tank and jeans. She was seated on the bike in a very unlady-like position.
The hostess’ name is Michelle Smith… I’m thinking that it’s quite possibly NOT her real name. Her delivery is wooden and you can tell that she’s reading straight off the teleprompter. But I’m sure many viewers don’t care about that, I mean, after all, she has boobs.

I found the segments on American Thunder very entertaining and insightful. They showed old Harley-Davidson’s and other motorcycles that were being auctioned off with the stories behind the bikes. Those types of segments appeal to the “history fan” in me. And just before the show came to a close, Michelle Smith gave us the website for American Thunder (amercianthundertv.com). You can find out all the latest and Ms. Smith told us that viewers could email her just to say “Hey!”
I think that it’s a damn shame that the producers of the show appeal to the lowest common denominator in order to get viewers. I’ll admit it. Michelle Smith is a good-looking lady and I personally don’t mind looking at her boobs. After all, she wouldn’t be showing them if she didn’t want them admired. She knows what she’s doing and I’m sure that she has no problem cashing the paychecks.
I have personally never owned a motorcycle. I do have a desire to own one some day, but I have a feeling that day will never come. I like a certain part of the biker attitude… Personal freedom. You can do as you feel. You can dress how you feel. You can express yourself any way you want.
But there is an ugly side of the biker style… It’s all about the American male stereotypes. And the southern American biker is probably the most represented in just about everything I see. Biking in the south is littered with Confederate flags, the attitude of “nothing but a good time”, and the biggest appeal of them all… All the buxom babes are scantily attired and give you the impression that they are more than willing when you have the time.
And maybe it’s just that… A stereotype. I’ve met a lot of bikers over my 40 years on this Earth and although there may be some Confederate flags inked on their flesh or a grinning skull on their T-shirt, they have always been respectful to me and downright nice. And in many cases, a lot of bikers are more than willing to jump on a bike and ride for the sake of raising money or awareness for charitable events.
NASCAR driver Kyle Petty has a charity ride every year where folks ride across the country to raise money for the Victory Junction Gang Camp. It’s a very popular charity event with other NASCAR drivers participating as well as other celebrities known worldwide or locally like Rich Brenner from WGHP Fox 8.
Bikers have gotten a bad rap because of the stereotypes derived from television and from the “outlaw” motorcycle gangs. Bikers are, in my opinion, rebels. And maybe that’s why the Confederate flag is a popular fixture in biker culture. Perhaps the flag doesn’t represent hatred, but instead represents someone standing up against the tides of conformity.
Consider me a fan of rebellion.
And don’t forget those patches for my favorite denim shorts…
Eugene’s Ass
C/O Rock 92
192 E. Lewis St.
Greensboro, NC 27406
I’ll be posting every patch, if any, I get. You can vote on which patch will be sewn onto my shorts. Yes, the Slaughter patch is still in the running if you choose to vote for that patch. All patches must be received by December 24th and will be posted on my blog December 26th. The readers will vote by leaving a comment. The winner will receive a Rock 92 Hanes Beefy-T T-shirt.
This is not a Dick Broadcasting Corporation contest. It is purely of my own doing. I’m just looking for a new patch. My ass is depending on you!
Now that I know I have a bit of time, I have ordered a patch for your ass.
ReplyDeleteHa! It will be on the way soon, I hope.
I got paint(technically stain) on my old Rock 92 shirt this summer when I was helping hubby stain our DECK FROM HELL.
BTW, you need to burn me a bizarre Christmas CD.