This is going to be a long one so, grab a beverage and a blanket.
My last entry, I talked about my “rocky” relationship with Netflix. Well, I got disc one and disc three of season five of ‘The Sopranos’ on Thursday and that was all right with me. At least, I could watch disc one and wait for disc two arriving set to arrive last Friday.
I waited and waited for the mail to run on Friday and finally, it occurred to me… It was Veteran’s Day and there was no mail delivery. What ‘cha gonna do?
Netflix and I have made amends with each other thanks largely in part by the United States Postal Service. The little white trucks with the eagles on them have made me feel much better about my relationship with Netflix. To be totally honest, the USPS surprised me. I wasn’t expecting disc one to arrive until Saturday and it showed up Thursday, 2 days earlier.
I don’t expect a lot from the USPS and then things like that happen. I find it amazing at times.
I went to someplace last Thursday night that I had never been to before. It’s a club on the rooftop of Much Restaurant called Heaven. I was handling a remote with Portrait Homes, Yes Weekly, and 1075KZL.
It was a very interesting place with lots of open air and as the night got colder and darker, it got more and more crowded. That was another surprise in my day.
Apparently, Much and Heaven are the places to be in downtown Greensboro. I only say that because Mayor Keith Holiday was there. He seems important, right? I don’t really know what he does with the City of Greensboro other than allowing retail developments to build up in places where there used to be lots and lots of trees.
Greensboro, in my opinion, has been whoring itself out to commercial developers for several decades now. The city has been constantly cannibalizing itself and you can tell if you only use one eye to look for yourself.
The Randleman Road and High Point Road areas were once bustling places of retail activity. Then, the city got the bright idea to cut all the trees down on Wendover Avenue and let developers throw up new retail places. Retailers like Circuit City moved over there and any of the other retailers decided that Wendover would be the place to be and followed suit.
Now, Randleman Road and High Point Road are nothing more than places where you can score some crack and pick up a cheap prostitute. It’s just not a great place to do any shopping or have dinner at. I know that most people avoid those places now and head out to the overdeveloped Wendover area and deal with the traffic congestion just for the illusion of “safety”.
I live in the Northwest part of Greensboro and I know that it’s a matter of time until our part of the city becomes like Randleman and High Point Roads. They’re trying to put more retail on New Garden Road and I’m sure as soon as the city does some more annexing around the Urban Loop, there will be even more trees taken down in the name of the mighty dollar.
When will it all end? Doesn’t anyone in this town care anymore? Why do we keep voting the same jerks into office that have no love for this city?
It’s all about business and lining the pockets with cash, as the city of green will be turned into asphalt. And, quite honestly, it makes me sick.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not a tree-hugging hippie. Hell, I don’t even like the outdoors. I just like Greensboro the way it was and I’d like to keep as much green in it as possible. There’s plenty of green to be made in this town without cannibalization.
But, if plans go into effect to put up a Long John Silver’s in a lush wooded area… I will be the first to sacrifice a tree with a big grin and a chainsaw.
Saturday morning, I was up before the sun rose at 5:30 a.m. I had to banner wrap the Millis Center at High Point University. I had no idea where the center was on the campus.
I don’t know why, but they make buildings difficult to find on college campuses. So I got there in plenty of time to find the joint.
I’m rolling around the campus looking for this place and you know, while you’re driving, you don’t really have a whole lot of time to read while keeping your eyes on the road. The signs on the campus only pointed out things like athletic center and security. There was no use of “Millis” anywhere that I could read.
I saw where they were putting up the finish line and I knew that I was close to where I had to be. I turned the van around and headed up the other direction. Still, I couldn’t find the place so I turned around again.
I saw a man and woman riding on one of those John Deere Gators and I stopped to ask them. They pointed to the building that we were in front of.
Needless to say, I felt really stupid. I had read “James” and “Convocation Center” on the front of the building, but since I was driving, the reading economy that I had employed didn’t allow me to see “Millis” in the middle.
Again, what ‘cha gonna do?
After the 5K happenings, I went back to the station to work the KZL board for a remote and my production work.
I met Hinzy at the Green Burro where Ritchy’s Uptown used to be for a few drinks and wings. And of course, every television was tuned into college football. When Crystal (the bartender and I hope that I spelled that right) turned the TV’s to another event, I kept trying to get her to turn it to SoapNet or the Lifetime Movie Channel. I don’t think that she found it terribly amusing.
I was in bed by 10 p.m.
On Sunday, I woke up with no agitating alarms because I didn’t have to be anywhere at anytime. Let Heaven and nature sing!
I got some good news and some bad news. You know, they go hand in hand like chocolate and peanut butter.
The bad news… Fox has cancelled ‘Arrested Development’. That show is in my all time top ten of shows. It’s the type of show that makes you laugh out loud even when you’re watching it alone. I cannot tell you how many times that show had me in tears from laughing so much. Watch what you can and don’t forget... The show is available on DVD for purchase and rent.
The good news… NASCAR driver Kurt Busch got some payback!
As you know, I don’t like him and I think that the man has no character because of his dealings trying to get out of Roush Racing after they provided him the opportunity to win a championship. The A-hole had the world at his feet, but that wasn’t good enough for him.
Last Friday night, he left the Phoenix International Raceway and was stopped by police. He was cited for reckless driving and running a stop sign.
I’m sure that he gave the officer the “Don’t you know who I am?” bit and when it didn’t work, Busch got belligerent. He was arrested. Hehehehehe….
On Sunday morning, Jack Roush announced that after conferring with the sponsors, Kurt Busch has been placed on suspension for his actions. He will not be competing in the last two races of the season. They put one of my favorite drivers in the seat, Kenny Wallace.
They stuck a camera in Busch’s face and he was nearly in tears because of his suspension. Hahahahahaha!
It serves his ass right! He’s a punk who needs a soap bar party like the one given to “Leonard” in ‘Full Metal Jacket’.
Kurt Busch is a classless jerk and Roger Penske doesn’t seem to mind putting that A-hole in the number 2 Miller Lite car for next year. Perhaps Penske will find out what type of individual that he’s investing in before he’s screwed the way Roush Racing was.
Every time that they spoke about Busch’s troubles and woes during the race broadcast, I was laughing like a hyena on nitrous oxide. Kurt Busch needs to sit his character-lacking ass down and soak in some ‘My Name Is Earl’. I think that is the only way he’ll understand because he’s obviously stupid and ‘Earl’ will put it in such way that Busch will get it.
I love the show so don’t get me wrong.
And my Redskins were beaten in the last minutes of the ball game by Tampa Bay. That was most unfortunate.
That was most unfortunate of Fox to cancel Arrested Development, but now I have a decent chance of catching up on it.
ReplyDeleteNow if only someone would cancel NASCAR.