Again, please accept my apologies for the lack of updating.
Last week was another busy week. So much so, I could never find the time to sit at this computer and type out the boring details of my life along with the asinine observations that I make.
On Wednesday, May 18th… I was the emcee at the Summer Sound Off happening at Ziggy’s in Winston-Salem. The big sponsor of that event was
It was cool to be involved and I’m taking this time to thank the guys at There were a lot of great bands and the two that stand out are The Arrival and the winners, Narallis. If you see either band playing somewhere, make the effort to check them out.
The Arrival has a kind of punkish new wave sensibility about them. They are an energetic band and they are as much fun to listen to as they are to watch.
Narallis are from Rocky Mount, NC. They look as if they are fresh out of junior high, but they pack a mean wallop. The guys are a tight band even when they are jumping around like monkeys on crystal meth.
When they finished their set, I went up to the microphone and joked with… “Ladies and gentleman, the poster children for Ritalin… Narallis!”
They didn’t care that I made the joke. Those guys have too great an attitude to let some goofy radio DJ ruin their night.
On that same day, I received three DVD’s from Netflix. I was hurting deep inside because I didn’t know when I could devote the time to give them my full attention. Again, I try to squeeze out every penny that I can from those guys.
First up, ‘Collateral’. Jamie Foxx is one helluva an actor. Yeah, he killed in ‘Ray’ and he was damn good in this flick too.
Tom Cruise was convincing as a hit man sent out by Columbian drug lords to quiet down some government informants and witnesses.
I was really digging the movie up until the end. There, the flick just unraveled leaving me feeling like I wasted my time. It seemed slapped together just to keep the film from going more than two and one half hours.
I gave it 3 stars on Netflix.
Second up, ‘Something’s Got To Give’ with Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton.
The most surprising thing… Diane Keaton doing a nude scene. What is she? Sixty-something?
I’ll tell ya what, that Keaton looks good naked! I applaud anyone over the age of forty to show what the good Lord gave ‘em. I especially applaud Keaton for publicly disrobing when most actresses that age don’t want to show off their bodies.
Nicholson plays a bachelor / playboy who only dates much younger women. Keaton plays the mother of one of his dates.
Yada, yada, yada… He ends up finding out that women his own age are just as exciting, beautiful, and as sexed as he is.
It’s a film that mirrors American society and I agree with its message. The biggest problem that I have with it is Jack Nicholson.
He’s sleepwalking through the whole film. Nicholson’s performance was just about the same as the Joker in ‘Batman’. His whole demeanor and delivery were the same.
Once he wiped his forehead with a handkerchief and I fully expected to see the Joker’s white face to come through. In one scene, he was even wearing a purple necktie! I wouldn’t swear to it, but I think IT WAS the same tie from ‘Batman’!
It’s a good movie and I gave it 3 stars as well on Netflix.
Up third and last, ‘The Terminal’ with Tom Hanks.
Total feel good schlock and I liked it all right. There just wasn’t enough of Catherine Zeta-Jones for me though.
Hanks is traveler from a European country going to New York City for one sole purpose, to get the final autograph from all the jazz legends that his deceased father had collected. When he arrives, Immigration informs him that his country is going through a chaotic revolution and for the moment, he is not recognized as a citizen from any country. He is a man without a country and therefore, a threat to homeland security by the interpretation of the rules and laws.
He cannot go home. He cannot leave what is considered the international area of the airport. He must make a temporary home at the airport until the matter is resolved in his country.
It’s an all right movie. It’s kind of sappy and good natured, but fun to watch. I gave it another 3 star rating on Netflix.
Once again, if you’re a Netflix subscriber and ya want a friend… Here’s my info to do so…
Tomorrow I should received disc one of season three of ‘24’. I’m hoping to knock that joker out while catching up on season four when it starts the rerun process during these coming months.
I’ll watch the DVD’s and tape season four in order. Then, I when I’m through with season three… Season four is ready and waiting for me.
Theoretically, I should be up to date when season five rolls around.
How’s that for genius?