Lost is coming to a close this evening. While many “losties” are out there partying it up, I’m listening to Lenny Kravitz and writing on a laptop computer.
Should “lostie” be capitalized?
Like Trekker or Trekkie?
Jamie says that I should because it’s a proper noun. Or something like that.
I consider myself a Lostie. I almost gave up on it during the third season until a fellow Lostie told me to hold fast. Everything will have its rhyme and reason.
I’ve been asked if this will be an emotional evening for me. It’s a show that I will watch during a housefire. A fireman would have to drag me out before the next commercial break. That’s the way it is. And soon, it’ll be the way it was.
It’s not a sad event. The show has run its course. The show had a bumpy road that only a select few made it through. Lost tested the viewer. It required thought. And Losties threw theories around the water cooler like Jenna Jameson tosses back sausages.
This is a celebration of a fine show that’s leaving on its own terms. We may tear up… Especially, if they kill off a one or 6 characters… But Losties are having a party, people. Right this second… With 34 minutes until the final episode airs.
I’m kind of glad to see Lost go because it’s ending on a high note. That is, of course, as long as the ending doesn’t suck. But that’s a subjective thing.
I’m sure they’ll give us, the Losties, an open ended departure that will arrive again at a later date. I wouldn’t object to a movie.
What were the greatest series enders for me?
Obviously, Newhart comes to my mind first. Malcolm In The Middle had a great ending that left on a positive note for the main character. I dug the final Battlestar Galactica.
I didn’t care for the last Seinfeld. It left me scratching my head. Although I’m torn on how I feel about the final episode, The Sopranos ended with a sour note on me.
The final episode of The Sopranos had a profound effect on how I hear Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing”. Whenever I hear about a small town girl living in a lonely world, I stop and ponder about Tony Soprano. I wonder if he’s still seeing a therapist. I wonder how the rest of the family are getting along. The possibilities are how I see them. And that’s the part that I like. It’s still open for debate. Closure isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.
The Mary Tyler Moore Show did the same thing with “It’s A Long Way To Tipperary”. I’m sure I’ll never hear the song blasting out of a SUV anytime soon. But if I were to hear that tune in passing, my thoughts about the WJM gang can go to any possibility.
No sadness. Everything and everyone should be lucky enough to conclude on their own terms. It’s not always possible, but either way we carry the memories along for the rest of our journey.
Or buy the whole thing on DVD.
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